Magnetic frequency medicine dedicated to aligning your chakras will run for the duration of the event from a frequency device called the MagHealy. The water in the pool and drinking water will also include a frequency altered molecular structure dedicated for healing and heart opening.
Enjoy 45 minutes relaxing in the mineral bath while you are guided through 2 meditations. The mineral pool will also be full of fresh clean mineral water (no chemicals) and charged with frequencies to encourage heart opening.
Enjoy the benefits of cold exposure with a fresh cold outdoor shower. Breathwork to prep for this exhilarating expereince is available.
A tea bar and selection of fruits will be included for light snacking and warming up.
Pop into the sauna for a mini detox session, which also includes red light therapy, Himalayan salt detoxing and aromatherapy.
Enjoy a 10 minute session of sound and light therapy, guided meditation with a Braintap Headset.