This recipe is inspired by my sisters amazing Greek Pasta salad. Its the kind you crave every once in a while and then walk around all day warding off the evil with your amazing garlic breath, but you don’t even care because it was worth every bite.

When I started this clean eating I was first off determined to find the best pasta alternative. If you haven’t already tried the Red Lentil Pasta by a brand called Tolerant you must. Its the closest and best tasting pasta without the gluten, or corn, or white stuff.

So this Greek Pasta salad is super basic but oh so delicious.


Prep time: 12 mins

Cook time: 8-10 mins

Total time: 10-12 mins

Servings: 2 servings





  1. Boil your water and put in your box of pasta for 8-10 mins
  2. While your pasta is boiling, steam your broccoli
  3. Chop your garlic and feta
  4. Once pasta is ready pour olive oil on over noodles and mix in the garlic
  5. Add the broccoli, olives and feta.



greek pasta

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